Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Google Adsense Profits Mixed In With Affiliate Marketing

Are you a webmaster who needs funds to keep your website running? Or is your website the only way for you to earn income? Whichever you are, for as long as you are a webmaster or a web publisher and you need cash, affiliate marketing may work well for you. With affiliate marketing, you may get a lot of cash pouring into your bank account easily. And if your website is rich in great contents and you want to earn more profit, why not get into the Google Adsense program as well?

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Well, simply because affiliate marketing is the easiest and probably the best way to earn profits online, unless otherwise you are a businessman and would rather sell your own products online than advertise other businessman's products on your site. But even online retailers can benefit from affiliate marketing programs, because affiliate marketing actually works for merchants as well as it works for the affiliates.

Affiliate marketing, simply said, is a relationship or agreement made between two websites, with one site being the merchant's website and the other being the affiliate's site. In the relationship, the affiliate agrees to let the merchant advertise his products on the affiliate's site. The merchant, on the other hand, would agree to pay the affiliate in whatever method they have agreed into. This would generally mean easy income for the affiliate, as he would do nothing but place the retailer's ad on his site. This would also be very beneficial for the merchant, as getting affiliates to advertise their products would be a lot more affordable than hiring an advertising firm to promote their products.

There are a variety of methods on how the merchant would compensate the affiliate for his services, and for the webmaster, these methods simply translates to the method by which he would earn easy cash. Among the more common methods of compensation are the pay-per-click method, the pay-per-lead method, and the pay-per-sale method. The pay-per-click method is the method most preferred by affiliates, for their site's visitor would only have to visit the advertiser's site for them to gain money. The other two methods, on the other hand, are better preferred by merchants, as they would only have to compensate you if your visitor becomes one of their registrants or if the visitor would actually buy their products.

Getting much profit on affiliate marketing programs, however, does not depend so much on the compensation method is it does on the traffic generated by your site. A website that can attract more visitors would generally have the greater chance of profiting in affiliate marketing programs.

What about Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is actually some sort of an affiliate marketing program. In Google Adsense, Google act as the intermediary between the affiliates and the merchants. The merchant, or the advertiser, would simply sign up with Google and provide the latter with text ads pertaining to their products. These ads, which is actually a link to the advertiser's website, would then appear on Google searches as well as on the websites owned by the affiliates, or by those webmasters who have signed up with the Google Adsense program.

While one can find a lot of similarities between Google Adsense and other affiliate marketing programs, you can also see a lot of differences. In Google Adsense, all the webmaster has to do is place a code on his website and Google takes care of the rest. The ads that Google would place on your site would generally be relevant to the content of your site. This would be advantageous both for you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be actually interested with the products being advertised.

The Google Adsense program compensates the affiliate in a pay-per-click basis. The advertisers would pay Google a certain amount each time their ad on your site is clicked and Google would then forward this amount to you through checks, although only after Google have deducted their share of the amount. Google Adsense checks are usually delivered monthly. Also, the Google Adsense program provides webmasters with a tracking tool that allows you to monitor the earnings you actually get from a certain ad.

So, where do all of these lead us to?

Where else but to profits, profits and even more profits! Affiliate marketing programs and the Google Adsense program simply work, whether you are the merchant or the affiliate. For the merchant's side, a lot of money can be saved if advertising effort is concentrated on affiliate marketing rather than on dealing with advertising firms. For the webmaster, you can easily gain a lot of profits just by doing what you do best, and that is by creating websites. And if you combine all your profits from both the Google Adsense program and other affiliate marketing programs, it would surely convert to a large amount of cash.

About the author: William Nabaza of specializes in domains, webhosting, webmaster's tools, netpreneur's articles and resources. Stands out as a freebie provider, business opportunity provider and the like. Visit his site at or contact him directly at more free articles here:

Earning Online With Adsense

Are you determined and convinced that there is a way to earn a living online, but just haven't been lucky enough to find it yet? Well before you completely give up hope I would like to share a little bit of personal experience with the Google Adsense program.

Since it's introduction, thousands of webmasters and internet entrepreneurs have been using Adsense to earn an income online. Signing up for the program is very simple, and once you are approved, placing the ads on your site is a simple as pasting a few lines of code.

A friend first introduced me to Adsense, and to be honest I was skeptical that this was going to be a waste of time like many other so called website revenue systems. I placed the box style ad on all of the pages of my new site and waited with anticipation. Sure enough the money started to trickle in. As I continually added new content and improved my website, it would earn relatively more and more each month.

Now at the risk of stating the obvious, earning with adsense is not as simple as pasting some code on any old webpage and waiting for the money to roll in. There are many factors that needed to be kept in mind to be successful with adsense.

Number 1 - You must have traffic. Well this seems pretty obvious, but what may not be as obvious, especially if you are new to building websites, is that you need lots of good quality content, and it must be added to your site regularly. Fresh content related to your site topic not only increases the number of potential keywords that you may get free search engine traffic from, but also increases your search engine rankings. Where can you find free content? You can find thousands of free articles related to almost any topic right here, and there are also many other free article directories on the web.

Also important to improve your search engine rankings in most search engines are incoming links. Inbound links especially from similar content related sites, and those having a good google pagerank will make a big difference in your SE rankings and will also give you direct traffic via the link itself. These are just some of the basics, and if you give it a shot I am sure you can start making some extra income from your website with adsense.

If you are looking to maximize your efforts and your profits with adsense I would suggest checking out this great manual entitled Adsense Gold. It will teach you everything you need to know to maximize your click thru rate, finding the most valuable keywords to target, and much much more.

About the author: Online marketer and webmaster of

How to Keep Your AdSense Account From Being Nuked by Google

There have been whole AdSense accounts bringing in $5000 per month banned for life from Google because of fraudulent clicks. If Google catches you clicking on your own AdSense ads, they can shut you down.

You won't get canned just for a single click, but if you're like me and tweak your site a lot it's only a matter of time before you click on one of those things by accident.

The way I keep this from happening is I temporarily block the domain name Google's ads are served from. Once I'm finished editing my site I go back under the hood and turn it back on.

Getting this setup will take you less than a minute.

First, find your HOSTS file.

Open Notepad. Go to File, and Choose Open.

If you have Windows 95, 98, or ME browse to the folder "C:windows"

If you have Windows XP Home browse to the folder "C:windowssystem32driversetc"

If you have anything else (Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000, NT, 2003, etc.) browse to the folder: "C:winntsystem32driversetc"

Once you're there, open the file called "hosts". If you don't see anything listed just type the word hosts and the file should open up. Just the word "hosts", no extension or anything after that. It's probably blank but it might not be.

Add this line:

And save. You're done.

Now go back to a site that you know has some Google Ads. There should be an empty space where the ads appeared.

Want to turn it off? Don't just delete it, put a "#" sign in front of that line, like this:


What's that do? It basically says "ignore this line." I like to leave it like that so when I want to hide Google Ads again, all I have to do is remove the "#" sign and save � then put the "#" back in when I'm ready to go back to normal.

About the author: See how you can take the oldest PHP trick in the book and give it a unique twist by watching this free video.

5 Ways How I Boosted My Google AdSense Earnings By 700%

Google AdSense is a great way for webmasters to monetize their websites. While many webmasters are struggling hard to earn $3 - $10 per day, some 'genius' webmasters have already enjoyed $30, $100, and even $300 a day from AdSense ads on their websites. How are these 'genius' webmasters differ from their counterparts? They think different! They think out of the box!

Let me share with you some tips which has been responsible in boosting my AdSense profits by 700%. Here are 5 of them, and if you follow these steps, I'm sure you'll see a difference in your AdSense income.

Here are the tips:

1- I concentrate on 1 format of AdSense ad, which is the Large Rectangle (336x280). This format has been proven to work with me in resulting high click-through rates (CTR). Why this format? Because the ads look like normal web links, and people are trained to click on these types of links.

2- I create custom palette for my ads. I choose white as the color for the border and background. This is because, all of my pages have white background. The idea is to make the AdSense ads look like they are a part of my web pages.

3- Previously, I put all my AdSense ads at the bottom of my pages. One day, I moved those ads to the top of the page. The result surprised me. My earning increased! Since then, I don't hide my AdSense ads anymore!

4- I maintain some links to other relevant websites, and I put my AdSense ads at the top of the links, so that my visitors see them first.

5- I automate the insertion of AdSense code into my webpages using SSI (server side included). You'll need to ask your web administrator whether your server supports SSI or not. Here's how to do it. You just put the AdSense code in a text file, save it as 'adsense.txt', and upload it to the root directory of your web server. Next, call the code on other pages using SSI.

This trick is really a time saver especially for those who use automatic page generators to generate pages on their website.

Here's a tool I use to generate thousands of pages on my website within seconds: ator.htm

Try these tips today, and I guarantee your AdSense earnings will improve. For more tips, you can visit my site at:

About the author: Mohd Fairuz maintains a website called AdSense Insider Secrets. On his site, he shares with his visitors free tips, secrets & strategies how he managed to boost his Google AdSense earnings by 700%. Go to his website, and get the tips, free of charge at:

Using Keyword Density for Google AdSense

With the decline of meta-tags, keyword density ranges have become very important. They've also become very controversial. Here's the thing: you want a high enough keyword density--at least 7%--that your keywords rank highly in the bigger search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, DogPile, and HotBot.

But, you don't want your keyword densities so high that they turn your content into over-hyped gobbledygook, nor do you want to raise a red flag when the spiders come crawling over your content. If your keyword density is 20% or more, the search engine will most likely red-flag you for "keyword stuffing" and penalize you by moving you down in the search results.

Thus, keyword density ranges are controversial. To make things worse, different search engines have different algorithms. One of them might thing an SEO keyword density of 18% is fine, another may not.

The only way a search engine can figure out just what your page is about is to search for the keywords you use. Those keywords don't necessarily have to be right there on the page--they can be in the title and in links that will lead to the page. Having said that, though, keywords that appear on your page are certainly the most common way that search engines use to decide what your page is all about. Keyword density refers to the ratio of keywords to the total number of words on the page.

Now I want you to look again at the paragraph above. There are 95 words total, and I used the word "keywords" exactly five times. The keyword ratio for the paragraph, then, is 5 divided by 95 times 100, or about 5.26%. Easy math, correct? You bet.

But how much does that stuff matter?

Well, it's not a matter of life and death, but it's pretty important. You see, when a search engine compares two pages to figure out which one ought to rank higher, keyword density will factor into it--usually pretty significantly. In fact, all other factors being equal (which is pretty much impossible, but let's pretend), the page with the higher keyword density will generally rank higher.

However, simple as Keyword Density is, it can also get really complex in a hurry. Do plurals or other stemmed variations of your keyword count as keywords? Should stop words, which are those common words you see all the time like "a" or "the," be ignored when calculating density?

Should you include off-page content, like meta tags and titles, in your calculations? What about keyword frequency or keyword proximity or keyword prominence? What about the Google AdSense ads themselves? And like I've said before, bear in mind that if your keyword density gets too high, search engines just might realize it and penalize your page.

Keyword densities really are not rocket science, so don't fall into the trap of making things more complicated than they need to be. Go to Google and search on "keyword density." The first three pages should be ones that provide about 20 or 25 different tools for calculating KWD.

Now all you have to do is pick one that feels user-friendly to you and use it to optimize your web page, noting the results. Now try something else: run a Google search on your keyword, and run the analysis on the first ten sites. Take a good hard look at the results. From this, you should get a good idea how your page will compare with the ten top ranking pages in Google, at least in terms of keyword density.

Here's the thing that frustrates people, though: if you go and do that with three or four different KWD tools, you will no doubt come up with different numbers, but the graph of those numbers will look very similar. Don't worry about it, because the numbers aren't the most important thing. You only care how they compare to each other.

Something else you'll probably discover is that keyword density is not a very good indicator of rank. The top ranking page may have a much lower density than the page at number ten, for example.

Why does this happen, when you work so hard to get your keyword density high? It happens because KWD is only one factor among many. It's important to a good ranking, but it's not the be-all and end-all of a good ranking. What you really want to know from your analysis is the range of density values that rank well. Chances are good that if your page is below that range, getting on page one to compete with the big dogs will be tough, and if you're above that range, the search engines may think you're "keyword stuffing" and you'll be penalized. Just remember, though, the numbers are guidelines you should know, not carved-in-stone rules that forever define your fate. Experiment!

You may hear other self-proclaimed website gurus (besides myself) say that keyword density should always run between two and eight percent or whatever the current numbers being quoted in forums across the Internet happen to be. That's partly true. Those numbers are probably fairly accurate for most keywords. They're based on averages and it's always good to stick close to an average.

But there's a problem. Here's how the problem goes: the most commonly used letter in English is the letter "E." If you wrote a ten word sentence, it would be much easier to use the letter E five times in that sentence than it would be to use, say, the letter Z five times. Letters aren't an even distribution. Neither are keywords. Big shock, huh?

Remember what I said earlier about not sounding awkward in your content? Well, the biggest thing about keyword density is that it must read well and sound very natural to a user. It's useless to get a page one ranking if your content is very lame. Like the letter E, some keywords are easy to use a lot of while still sounding natural. For instance, if your keyword was "grass" on a site about lawn care, it wouldn't be hard to use "grass" a lot.

But some keywords just don't lend themselves to being used a "quince" (it's a type of fruit). Here's the choice to be made: you can use an average range, which will work well most times, or you can spend time analyzing the top ten pages to find the best range for that particular keyword and be sure you're not trying to optimize for a Z or a quince.

Frustrated? Don't be! It isn't that hard. If you're still confused, check out a competitor's page in Google's cache (which highlights the keywords for you) to get a good visual feel for density.

Another good tip is to perform a "real person sanity check" on your content. Reading your optimized content out loud several times, and try to get a natural flow that will make the copy draw users who will come back. Then take a hard look at your content. If you can substitute a keyword for a pronoun without loosing your flow, do it.

For instance, if your keyword is "hammock", instead of a sentence saying, "I love to lie in it," say, "I love to lie in my hammock."

I hope you find this information helpful as you create your optimized AdSense cash cows!

About the author: Calvin is a self-proclaimed "Google Adsense guru", who rakes in loads of cash from AdSense optimized websites. For more information about how he does it, check out his free guide at

A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads

A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads By D.J. Nassy

There are no guarantees in life, so I don�t guarantee that following these tips will bring you more money every time. However, I do guarantee that they will greatly increase your chances of pulling more of the top-paying AdSense ads to your site than if you don�t follow these suggestions.

Enough with the disclaimers, let�s get down to the business of making money. Google lets advertisers bid anywhere from a minimum of .05 per click right up to a whopping $100. It should be pretty obvious that you�re not going to get rich running .05 cent ads on your site, but getting a few $100 ads, or even some $10, $20, or $30 ads can�t be a bad thing, right?

Now the problem is, Google is pretty closed-mouthed about who is paying what for their ads, and there is no real way to determine which words pay the most per AdSense click.

But ah, far away in a parallel universe we find another Pay-Per-Click provider called Overture. It seems that Overture is less sensitive about releasing their top-priced words and anyone who cares to find out what web sites are paying for words and phrases can do so by simply using Overtures tattle-tale special pricing tool ( And it couldn�t be easier to use. You simply type in a key word or phrase and the tool returns a list of advertisers using that word and how much they are paying. It even shows you the actual ad.

Oh what a treasure trove of wealth-grabbing results this can be if you know what can be done with that priceless information.

Consider this possibility

Any key word or phrase that�s worth big bucks on Overture is probably worth big bucks on Google as well, maybe even more, right? So try this experiment:

Enter the phrase �SEO Services� without the quotes in the Overture tool ( When I entered that phrase on the day I wrote this article, I was found a company called SEO Inc. that was willing to pay $8.01 per click, followed by SEO Advantage at $8.00, and Online Web Consultants at $6.50. Other bidders appeared below them in the $3.00 range straight on down to some who wouldn�t pay more than a dime per click.

Now, if a company is willing to pay that much money for a click on Overture, it is probably willing to pay that or more on Google. Even if that particular company isn�t advertising on Google, you can be pretty sure that the same key phrase is drawing near the same bid price from other companies who do advertise on Google. So what that means is there is no way that you can possibly afford NOT to have some web pages posted somewhere that are targeted to those sweet-paying words.

All you have to do is use Overture�s pricing tool to find the highest-paying key words that are related to your site and then optimize those words to start pulling similar ads. If all goes to plan, you can perhaps double, triple, or even quadruple your AdSense revenue without needing any increase in traffic or click-through rate.

About the author: Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips. For more Google AdSense tips, visit Email :

Move Over AdSense!

Yahoo Publishing Network

It's here.

AdSense lovers and former AdSense lovers alike have been waiting for an alternative to the grand daddy of pay per click advertising, and now they have it.

Rolled out by Yahoo, the program is titled the Yahoo Publisher Network.

Right now the program is still in "Beta" or the last software testing phase before a production rollout.

While it is still early, YPN is getting high scores in most categories.

Members of the program have been reporting via message boards that Yahoo seems to be going above and beyond in their efforts to respond to and work with publishers. In fact, Yahoo has been cold calling members just to get an idea of how they feel about the program. Very impressive.

The user interface or control panel is simple and somewhat similar to AdSense. It offers channels (called tracking categories), numerous performance reports, and payment history. Another neat feature is that from the control panel, publishers can transfer funds from their YPN account to their Yahoo Search Marketing account.

As far as designing ads, users have full control over ad design and layouts. However, there are only ten ad types and nothing similar to AdSense link units as of now.

Now, the good stuff.

As far as earnings, most webmasters are reporting high earnings per click, in some cases four and five times more than that of AdSense. The earnings have caused quite the buzz within webmaster circles, but some speculate that Yahoo intentionally but temporarily launched the program with high earnings to draw from the AdSense publisher base. Time will tell, but earnings are definitely high.

High EPC is a perfect segue to the bad news: Targeting.

According to many publishers in the program, ad targeting, the program's ability to place ads relevant to your page, is challenged to put it mildly. The reason that targeting is so important is because targeting is the number one factor in how many site visitors click the ads also known as the clickthrough rate.

Sites that have been getting relevant ads are reporting tremendous earnings with YPN. Those without good targeting are getting less, but, interestingly, many are keeping YPN ads on the pages claiming that the higher EPC is compensating for the low CTR. On our site, we have found this to be true.

Every site will be different. Testing, testing, and more testing will be the determining factor for your site, but we highly recommend that you sign up with YPN and give it a try.

AdSense is a trusted friend, but it's kind of nice to now have a choice.

Good luck, and good earnings!

About the author: Sean Labrock is a long-time small business owner and police officer with extensive experience in marketing. He currently runs one of the nations largest law enforcement websites,, and has authored many articles for both, and other periodicals.

Google Adsense Profits Mixed In With Affiliate Marketing (Mar 14, 2007 10:38)

Earning Online With Adsense (Mar 14, 2007 10:38)

How to Keep Your AdSense Account From Being Nuked by Google (Mar 14, 2007 10:36)

5 Ways How I Boosted My Google AdSense Earnings By 700% (Mar 14, 2007 10:35)

Using Keyword Density for Google AdSense (Mar 14, 2007 10:34)

A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads (Mar 14, 2007 10:32)

Move Over AdSense! (Mar 14, 2007 10:31)

AdSense Money Maker through Blog Niche Marketing (Mar 14, 2007 10:27)

Great Content - The Secret Of High AdSense Revenues (Mar 14, 2007 10:26)

Where To Buy Adsense Keyword List (Mar 14, 2007 10:23)


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